I have started this blog along with my classmates in Technology Resources for Performing Arts Educators so that we can share our thoughts and experiences with new kinds of technology. So far, in addition to this blog, we've learned some basic HTML, including how to post pictures and music on our websites.
The process of creating a personal blog and website got me thinking about the ways that we create our internet personality. Both mediums are customizable so that we have control of both the content and the presentation of the content. As website and blog authors, we have complete control over what we create, of this virtual representation of ourselves. I found some of the most satisfying moments in the initial stages of website and blog creation were when I felt that I created something that truly reflected me.
I suppose that we are always sending an image to the outside world, often packaging ourselves in various ways to give off a certain impression. But on the internet, the potential audience seems infinitely larger than the amount of people that one interacts with on a daily basis. The stakes suddenly seem higher for putting the "right" information out there, the information that says exactly what we want to say.
I find myself wondering about the following ideas: How detached are internet personalities from in-person (authentic?) personalities? How much does our internet personality reflect our personality? How much does our internet personality affect our personality? What dangers, if any, do we face by putting too much information in a public forum? How can we protect ourselves while creating a satisfying reflection of ourselves?
I look forward to exploring my own experiences in searching for some answers to these questions, and in uncovering new questions.
Starting Over
14 years ago